If I Had an Online Dating Profile...
A bit of a random topic and post but last night as I was on YouTube, an ad came up before the video and it was promoting one of the many online dating sites around. Now usually I don't give it a second thought but seeing as I was highly bored at 01:30 am and had nothing better to do, I began thinking about what my profile would say, should I ever happen in the far far future sign up to one of these sites.
I would just like to point out also that I have no problem or do not look down at anyone who uses these sites.
After a quick think of what my profile would read, I came to the decision that it is probably wise not to go ahead with any online dating sites in the future. Mainly because people would think I am a freak, weird and well yeah freak! - selling myself highly already ;)
So here goes -and true to most profiles, here is a pic that looks hardly anything like me: